Chemin du Château Bloch 11
1219 Le Lignon - Geneva, Switzerland
NEXUS is the leading global automotive aftermarket community
With more than 523 distributor members, 2,319 WDs and 9,953 retail stores affiliated in 145 countries, allied with 90+ global manufacturers suppliers, NEXUS is a growth accelerator for its community.
Regional structures
Retail stores
Suppliers 76 global
Heavy duty suppliers
Billions Euros Consolidated Turnover
From business growth to disruptive initiatives and investments, NEXUS is the key player in the automotive aftermarket industry transformation.
NEXUS supplier portfolio is composed of the global key automotive & heavy duty aftermarket parts manufacturers in the world.
Stronger Together:
A N! Community initiative
The NEXUS Climate Day aims to bring together the N! Community representing the whole supply chain, around a common cause: building a more sustainable industry.
The NEXUS Climate Day actively pursues concrete solutions with proof of concepts, initiatives & best practices to draw the sustainable roadmap of the NEXUS Community, that will cover the UN’s sustainable developments goals.
The automotive aftermarket industry initiative to attract talents
The Automotive Aftermarket, despite its pivotal role in sustainable global mobility, suffers since long at all levels from lack of talents.
TALENTS4AA is a registered non-profit association created in 2022 to promote the industry, as well as attract and keep a variety of talents from different ages, backgrounds, genders, and professions in the Automotive Aftermarket.
NEXUS is one of the founding members of this association, gathering more than 30 members: ITGs, parts manufacturers, professional associations, educational institutions…
NEXUS places innovation as both a necessity and an opportunity in the context of major transformation